Friday 9 December 2011

School Play -_-

Ok some of you might be wondering what I'm doing writing a post at this kind of time. WELL SORRY! You know, I was sleeping for the whole day. YUP! Didn't get any sleep yesturday. But wait, how did I get to school without being late then?

Well, wait! I wasn't asleep. Lol my bad. Well, my mom needed to look up a house we could move to on MY computer. Gosh we have two more! Well one is mine so that forms three total computers in my building. So I think my mom feels like this, but I feel more fresh in a house than in a building.

Well here's what I actually did. I watched:

Of course, I LOVE  the books. Like their really awesome and I really like the movies. You might not know this, but there are MOVIES of the books: Diary Of A Wimpy Kid. So, You might not have noticed, but I made a new signature! This is what it is: Carmella! Like it?

Well actually, I watched that movie 2 times! If you know it, remember the horror movie they put on TV? The Foot? That was really really creepy. Well, ya know what got me really mad at school today? I HAVE TO PARTICIPATE IN A PLAY! Well, the play is about the birth of Jesus. But, thats fine its just about the parts that we get.

Well, we get to choose. So I chose Mary. But then when we got our lines, I saw I have to only say ONE simple line. I guess my friend (group member) got a better part as being the narrator. I figure EVERYBODY got a better part.  I got so mad I complained to my teacher.

She said that MAYBE she'll write more lines for the people who are doing Mary. But knowing the parts off the top of your head is hard even if you have to say one line in the whole play.

And guess what. Its Friday today right? Well, we have to know our lines BEFORE Monday. Like when I try to say my line, its actually hilarious! Like I'm having a really hard time trying to learn my lines. Well I'm just happy I only have one line to practice.

Oh thank God! But seriously, I can't concentrate only  on my part. Because I like reading other people's parts too. I seriously have no idea why. Well here's me doing my other part:

WHAT IS WRONG WITH THIS PICTURE?! Its supposed to show the backround, and me saying the words! Well, I think I accidently zoomed in on the camera and didn't notice UNTIL now. Well, wish me luck on the play!

Your friend,

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