Saturday 24 December 2011


Woohoo! Christmas Eve! When I logged on to Pico, I heard about the new Sacred Hall with decorations for Christmas! It even has new stuff in the Gacha! December is my favourite month. Well, for one, we get to decorate the tree, bake Christmas cookies, and best of all, HAVE FUN!

Aren't you happy that its finally Christmas Eve? I love singing my heart out! I also call my BFF on the phone and sometimes go out and just chat or something like that. Christmas is my favourite holiday! So back to Pico. When I went in, it was so pretty! Like LOOK at that place!

All gold and silver. I like going to empty rooms when I'm taking pictures for my blog. I embarrass myself. Heres another picture:

Lol I'm dancing! I keep playing other games like Pet Party, and if you want to play, check out some details on my What should the title be? article. I took other Pictures of the Sacred Hall, but I'll show them to you later on.

So dont you just love the snow? Well maybe not all of you but where I live, its kinda like spring here but its just with snow. LOL ITS SO AWESOME! Like last year, we were the second coldest country on earth!

Ok sorry I haven't been writing alot. Like I said, I keep on playing Pet Party! And part of me says I have to write, and some of me says I don't have too. So I'm really confused. Now for another picture:

LOL ITS SO PRETTY! Am I right? Well, have a GREAT HOLIDAY!


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