Sunday 18 December 2011

Just A Lesson

Ok so sorry theres no picture. There's something wrong with the internet, because well, Ameba Pico didn't load. All I saw was grey, and the white Pico. Then when it finally loaded, my Pico kept running around and it wouldn't stop! So I can't take and post a picture to go along with this article. But as you read, you'll probably know what my Pico will look like in this picture. And you might know EXACTLY what im talking about. When I go to a park, I always see oldies (Picos who have been on Ameba Pico for a long time) picking on a newbie. Look, when you do that I want you to think: Is this what I'm supposed to do?  Because look, you were a newbie too a long time ago. So would you like it if the newbie your picking on, was magically transformed into an oldbie, and you were transformed magically into a newbie. Would you like it if he/she was picking on you? And bullying you and wouldn't stop? So you have to think. Also, I know later on when my blog is very popular, people won't stop sending me messages about how they hate my blog. Well, I know EXACTLY WHY. You HAVE TO HAVE TO know me in real life. You can't just bully me on Ameba Pico because you know ho I'm like because YOU DON'T. I'm really sick of seeing people bullying other people. If you have something bad to say, DON'T SAY IT. Its real simple. You have NO RIGHT to make people feel lower than how they think. Also lots of people do this: -Hi friend! I just got this awesome book! -So? I HAVE LIKE 9 OF THOSE! -Oh ok :( This is what you should do: -Hi friend! I just got this awesome book! -Great that looks like an awesome book! I have the same one thats so cool! -Thanks! Thats how your parents want you to act like. Thats why God created you. So you can be nice to everyone and get along. Please think before you say something! Please!

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