Monday 26 December 2011

Late Merry Christmas

Ok, first of all, I DON'T KNOW WHAT I was thinking not doing an article to say ''Merry Christmas.'' Well, MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! Yay! Anyways, the holiday isn't going very well. We have THOUSANDS of homework. Seriously isn't holidays the homework free type of days?

So can't post much until the holidays are over. You know? Well if I explain it better, you might understand more. Well its not like I didn't do my work in school. The teacher is specifically giving us homework, I think for the ''smartness'' of us. Well the teacher wants PROOF that we practiced.

And no, its not sheets of paper. So she'll test us and I guess its embarrassing because its not the Write On A Sheet Of Paper type of thing. You actually have to SAY it. So I guess I might not be so lucky. Also, I think if I keep my mouth shut, I might get in trouble for not ''practicing,'' as she MIGHT think.

So, wish me luck. Oh the bad part, I need to get a signature on a sheet of paper, and I don't think people will be impressed, so I'll turn the sheet of paper over and get them to sign it there, because it doesn't say WHERE to exactly sign it.

UGH THIS IS THE WORST HOLIDAY EVER!!!!!!!! Ugh..... :( Well, maybe I'll be lucky to get an easy question, but to my surprise, I'm 90% sure I'm gonna get a hard one. If I predicted right, I might be able to tell the futer LOL!

Wish me luck,

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