Thursday 8 December 2011

I'm BAACK! (Merry Christmas!)

Omg I'm a teenager again! I finally found the scientist... took me like two days to get my old self back LOL. Well I just want to say something to Lollita Chan. Lollita, if your reading this, you've done such a great job in my other blog Glitter Pico! I'm so impressed! You've got an email from me, to join this blog to write too! Hope you accept!

If you want to chek out Lollita's posts, click here. And then search for the posts signed by: lollita chan. (No capitals in the signature.) I really enjoy your posts on Glitter Pico Lollita Chan! I don't see you on anymore. Are you ok? Well, if you want to find Lollita's posts quickly, here's my favourite: Food Anyone? :)

Well here's the story of how we met. I was in Sweets*' room because its beautiful, but she wasn't there. Now Lollita, she was looking in her favourite rooms and saw 1 person in it. (The person was me.) She thought it was Sweets* so she went in the room. But it wasn't Sweets*. It was me. But we turned out to be great friends!

Now back to the picture. Well, still people are confused if I'm a baby or not, because I got Christmas presents! LOL! Well, I still love making snowballs! Well to tell you the truth, I didn't get Christmas presents. Its not even Christmas! Guess where I really am...

Yup you guessed it. I'm at the Christmas park! YES! Christmas finally came to Ameba Pico world! Oh ya! Lets just say im looking forward to Diary Of A Wimpy Kid books. I only have three so far. I don't really like the new one, Cabin Fever. I read some of it at Chapters, and didn't seem so interesting.

And lets just say, I keep my promises. If you think its hard, I understand. It was sooo hard for me to keep promises when I was 5-7 years old. when I was 7 and a half, I kept my promises until now! Phew it was a lot of work. Well, have a...

And a happy new year!


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