Tuesday 6 December 2011

I am a B-A-B-Y!

OMG LOOK WHAT HAPPENED TO ME! Instead of becoming an adult, I am now a baby again! Gosh my mom is gonna faint to see me as a baby! There is a total science expirement going on. Because well, people aren't old, and then they're a baby! Whoa whoa whoa....

   Technically, I'll borrow my moms car without asking, and find the scientist. Because well, if my mom finds out, I'm dead. A piece of dead steak. I'll really be happy, when the expirement ends. Because, I was prettier when I was a teenager!

So umm it might take a few days, so umm my mom can't find out so sssshhhhh! The only part I like of being a kid is because you get to have fun. Teenagers do more. One thing, they hang out and they have better clothes and they wear MAKEUP!

Well actually I'm wearing makeup so, yeah. Here's the tip: Be patient for what you want to get, or is coming to you. Like for Christmas which is this month, you have to be patient to wait for it.

Like I can't stand it, like I had so much fun as a teenager. If you see the scientist, tell him to put me back together to a teenager. Well, in school, we've been assigned to reading groups. Well, I got like a weird book.

Its The Princess And The Goblin. Like, I read 21 pages, and its really confusing. Like heres a sentence:
For she could not go outside, it was raining for then the goblins come out at night and she vulgers to go out but she cannot. Her mother lives in a kingdom for what she rules but too weak to rule for the princesses father had moved and her mother stayed.

Do you even UNDERSTAND that? Gosh. Tell me if you understand it I'd like to hear it

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