Tuesday 10 January 2012

More Parties

Ok let me guess... your wondering WHAT IN THE WORLD is this photo. Well, its a maze with awesome teleporters! How did I get here now? GOOD QUESTION! I went in Pico because I didn't write in Sparkling Pico yesturday so I wanted to take a picture and write in my blog. So I didn't know what picture to put so I clicked on rooms.

Then I saw this really hard maze and I saw there was a lot of people so it should be good. I decided to go there to check it out, and it was awesome! It was sooo hard! I was almost at the top, so I picked a good teleporter, but sadly, I failed. Theres always another time right? Ok umm school is actually pretty good now.

We didn't have that test so umm ya we didn't have it today either. We all had homework, so my two BFF's came over to my house, and we worked on it together. Its so nice having friends who hang out with you and come to your house right? Its like someone who'll always be beside you. Heres something I made up:

  • If your hurt, I'm hurt
  • If your sad, I'll cheer you up
  • If your alone, I'll be beside you
  • If your mad, I'll say its ok
  • If you have no friends, I'll be your friend
  • If its boring, I'll make it fun
And thats what I'm trying to do. Please try to do this! This is also another photo of the maze:


Your friend,

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