Sunday 23 September 2012

New Discovery by Carmella

Hey guys its me Carmella. I've made a new discovery for a free filming download. Its called Screencast-O-Matic. You can film anything and post it on Youtube easily! Click here to download it. Not sure? Check out this video I made with screencast-o-matic!

It's better if its on full screen. I'm also making an Ameba Pico video.  You should really try this. Its amazing and free! The free version still allows you to keep S.O.M forever. Amazing discoveries will be posted by me, but here's who does what:

  1. Carmella: Discoveries and everyday life.
  2.  Athena: Helpful messages
  3.  Candie: Reporter
  4.  Sparkling Pico Team: ALERT! Notes.
Well hope this will be easier from now on. Happy days! Toodles!

Your Friend,