Sunday, 2 December 2012

Pigg and Pico

Well well... Who could this possibly be, hmm? It is アレクサンドリア from Pigg! In other words, ME! I'm going into my Pigg journey now. Time to time I'll go on Pico too.

Anyways, you can add me no one's stopping you. Just right click and drag over my name and left click and click copy. Then paste it in the friend finder.

If you guys were looking at Sparkling Pico in, lets say, around October, you might know how to copy, paste etc. 

If you don't, well I do have a post for you! Click here. All it really tells you is how to copy and paste cool letters and stuff. 

So you'll see some photo's from Pigg for a little. Remember, I'll still post Pico pictures. But from the 17th and on, I'll be posting Pigg pictures. Just check the article below this post.

Lets just hope we can communicate better in Pigg, and maybe even find English friends that can even probably teach me how to fish :P Yes I have no idea how to fish. I've been wasting my bait and, no luck. Haha I'm being silly right now. Anyways, I hope my journey goes well!

You might even recognize some places there in Pigg that are from Pico! Like, for eg., the BLOOPERS on the Pigg/Pico casino! Great memories no? Pigg even has a little Christmas countdown! Its design is really cute. I'm also looking forward to floating in the Space Shuttle! 

Lets hope that the people in Pigg can translate this well with the translate button... My room in Pigg is going pretty well for a start. Not much interesting things though. They don't accept foreign money so you can't really buy Ameba Gold. But I'm still enjoying my Pigg life. 

See what I mean? I enjoy my room anyways. Now, what are those blue, green, orange, and pink buttons on the left side of my room? Well I can answer your question. You can have a garden, an island, a cafe, and a city! Those are all minigames and you don't need to have FaceBook to play them.

Also, just 2 more days until Sparkling Pico turns 1 year old! Bye now!

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