Thursday, 13 December 2012

Advice Column #1

1. Dear Carmella,

I am starting to crush on someone, but he never even notices me! I tried to talk to him but I'm just way to shy! How do I get him to notice me without making a total fool of myself?


Dear Anonymous,

First of all, don't be shy! Just be yourself and compliment him! No, do NOT do that dropping a pencil and getting him to pick it up for you thing. Just start saying "hi", compliment him, and that's how a conversation starts! If he starts talking about something he likes like, lets say soccer, and your not a fan, you should just say so! But don't just say I HATE IT! Why don't you say that you're not that much of a fan, but you're OK with it. If he understands, he's right for you!

2. Dear Carmella,

I wanted to start a blog like yours and many others, but people in my class don't think I have the guts to do it! They laugh at me and say that I get my hopes up way too much. Maybe they're right? I don't really know how to run something like this! I really need help!

- Very Confused Pico

Dear Very Confused Pico,

Don't let other people do that to you! Just say "HEY! You know what?! If I want to make a blog, I'll make one! Now stop being a flea in my fur and get out of my business!" If that fails, ignore them, and do what your heart tells you to! They don't understand you, so why do they even bother? Anyways, good luck!



3. Dear Carmella,

I'm getting bullied at school ALL the time, and I don't like it! I want to do something about it, but it'll make the bullies even more mad at me and who knows what they'll do next! They keep telling rumors about me, and they never stop bullying me! I hate going to school! Why do words hurt more than punches?


Dear Anonymous,

People bully me a lot too! How DARE they do something like that to you? They DO NOT have the right to do that. Try to ignore them, and try to stay somewhere where they won't really find you. Other than that, don't be afraid to tell on them! They deserve to get in trouble! Just trust your gut (I know that sounds gross) and do the right thing! No one can stop bullying, but, who knows... Maybe they'll stop bullying you!




That is all for todays advice column! 

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Follow ONLY Carmella: @carmellalexilia


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